ADDRESS: 580 North 420 West, American Fork, Utah 84003, phone (801) 756-4844, fax 756-5540, Cell 801 404-0600,
Email:, Home page:
1993-1995 Continued studies toward BS in Home Economics at Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah.
1988-1992 Undergraduate work in Home Economics Education at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.
1972-1973 Barbizon School of Fashion, Englewood, Colorado. Graduate, with emphasis in modeling, fashion merchandising and public relations.
1969-1972 Natrona County High School, Casper, Wyoming, Graduate.
1999-Present Owner of 4U Designs, American Fork, Utah.1998-1999 Assistant Manager for the Whistle Stop Deli and Ice Cream Shop, American Fork, Utah.
1996-1998 Area Supervisor for NewsAmerica Marketing (formerly ActMedia, Inc.) for Utah County Area.
1994-1995 Service Representative for GoodTimes Video for North and Central Utah.
1991 Fall Secondary Home Economics Practicum Teacher at Laramie Junior High School, Albany County School District #1, Laramie, Wyoming.
1989-1995 Independent Distributor for Melaleuca Products (cleaning and personal care products).
1987-1988 Nutrition Counselor for Diet Center, Casper Wyoming.
1985-1988 PTA President/Vice President/Secretary for Mills Elementary School, Mills, Wyoming.
1985-1987 District Manager/Wyoming Supervisor of S & L Foods, Hayden Lake, Idaho.
1983-1984 Tupperware Distributor, Casper, Wyoming.
1976-1977 Director of the Central Wyoming Museum of Art (the Nicolaysen), Casper, Wy.
1976-1977 Avon Representative, Casper, Wyoming.
1974-1975 Department Head, Osco Drug Store, Casper, Wyoming.
1972-1973 Department Head, Yarbro Drug Store, Denver, Colorado.
1970-1971 Sales clerk, Westridge Shoe and Clothing Store, Casper, Wyo.
Church: Ward Family History Consultant, Assistant Stake Librarian, Sunday School Teacher, Nursery Leader, Relief Society Newsletter Editor.
Community: Extension Homemakers (15 yrs), Beta Sigma Phi (9 yrs), PTA (8 yrs), Girl Scouts of America (6 yrs), Boy Scouts of America (1 yr), candidate for Utah State Legislature (98), American Fork Steel Days Celebration Committee (8 yrs).